a love song for bobby long

vi en estos dias
a love song for bobby long
en uno de esos momentos
en que hallmark channel se supera.
momentos breves pero contundentes
de revelacion.
god is in the tv.
al final de a love song for bobby long
una voz en off de lawson
lee el final de su libro sobre bobby
mientras pursy (la hermosura de scarlett johansson)
le lleva este libro a la tumba a bobby
con unas florecitas
y la humedad de new orleans.
Lawson Pines: Some people reach a place in time where they've gone as far as they can. A place where wives and jobs collide with desire. That which is unknowable and those who remain out of sight. See what it is invisible and you will see what to write. That's how Bobby used to put it. It was the invisible people he wanted to live with. The ones that we walk past everday, the ones we sometimes become. The ones in books who live only in someones mind's eye. He was a man who was destined to go through life and not around it. A man who was sure the shortest path to Heaven was straight through Hell. But the truth of his handicap lay only in a mind both exalted and crippled by too many stories and the path he chose to become one. Bobby Long's tragic flaw was his romance with all that he saw.
Todo esto me parecio pertinente, relevante, ayer.
Ayer no lo pense, estaba muy ocupado siendolo, haciendolo, viviendolo.
Se parece a mi ayer, y la consecuencia: hoy.
la cancion dice:
"im not gonna write you a love song
cause you need one"
no me acuerdo quien la canta.
se que un dia en el carro ibamos
y andreina la cantaba junto a la radio.
yo me tengo que escribir
mi propia cancion.
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