breaking news

Foto: Ellen von Unwerth.
Modelo: Kate Moss.
se me resetea la fantasia
se me "contamina" de/la realidad
bubu teke teke bubu bubusia
teke bubu bubu teke bubidad
tomar si es posible
y si no tambien
la palabra contamina
como algo positivo
querer quedarse con el chivo y con el mecate
querer todo
es decir
1 + 1
tenerle miedo a la felicidad
tenerle miedo a ese mareo
tenerle miedo a lo que quieres
a lo que te gusta
a lo que te huele bien
andar cauteloso como animal salvaje
andar olisqueando desconfiado
regar la semilla
y avergonzarse luego
de los rastros de tu paso por el mundo
sentir todo tu contacto con el mundo como ultraje
inmensa verguenza
pero feliz.
how much longer could it last?
is it just like a drug?
you are the perfect drug the perfect drug the perfect drug.
The Perfect Drug by NIN
i got my head, but my head is unraveling
can't keep control, can't keep track of where it's traveling
i got my heart but my heart is no good
and you're the only one that's understood
i come along but i don't know where you're taking me
i shouldn't go but you're reaching, dragging, shaking me
turn off the sun, pull the stars from the sky
the more i give to you, the more i die
and i want you
and i want you
and i want you
and i want you
you are the perfect drug, the perfect drug, the perfect drug
you are the perfect drug, the perfect drug, the perfect drug
you make me hard, when i'm all soft inside
i see the truth, when i'm all stupid eyed
the arrow goes straight through my heart
without you everything just falls apart
my blood wants to say hello to you
my feelings want to get inside of you
my soul is so afraid to realize
how very little there is left of me
and i want you
and i want you
and i want you
and i want you
you are the perfect drug, the perfect drug, the perfect drug
you are the perfect drug, the perfect drug, the perfect drug
you are the perfect drug, the perfect drug, the perfect drug
you are the perfect drug, the perfect drug, the perfect drug
you are the perfect drug, the perfect drug, the perfect drug
you are the perfect drug, the perfect drug, the perfect drug
you are the perfect drug, the perfect drug, the perfect drug
you are the perfect drug, the perfect drug, the perfect drug
you are the perfect drug, the drug, the perfect drug
take me, if you want
take me, if you want
take me, if you want
take me, if you want
without you, without you everything falls apart
without you, it's not as much fun to pick up the pieces
without you, without you everything falls apart
without you, it's not as much fun to pick up the pieces
it's not as much fun to pick up the pieces
it's not as much fun to pick up the pieces
without you, without you everything falls apart
without you, it's not as much fun to pick up the pieces
Labels: breaking perfect new drug
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